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Fireworks fear in horses and dogs

Posted in : on 15-11-2021


In general, horses seem less fearful of fireworks than dogs. At first glance, that seems quite strange, since horses are flight animals by nature. How could that be? And what can you do if your horse or dog is still afraid of fireworks? We notice that most questions concerning fireworks are asked just before NYE. There are many explanation for the different reactions in horses and dogs and we will explain them to you. We also give some tips to reduce the fear of fireworks!

Difference between fireworks fear in horse and dog

  • The stable of a horse is more often in the countryside and not in a residential area where usually more fireworks are set off during the New Year.
  • Horses are on average longer outside than dogs. The distance from the fireworks to the horse is often large and more fireworks are set off step-by-step, so that horses can get used to the fireworks better. This is different for dogs, because most houses are well isolated and dogs live more indoors. They often experience the fireworks more intensely and from much closer during outdoor walks, so they can get used to the fireworks less.
  • Sense of smell. Dogs are very sensitive and have a much better sense of smell than horses. The smell of gunpowder can already induce fear in a dog, sometimes without a bang. When your dog smells gunpowder, he is immediately alert or afraid of the bang that will follow, so your dog may be stressed all month.


4 tips for your horse against fear of fireworks

  • Stay calm. Try to stay as calm as possible and ignore the bangs. By pretending nothing is wrong, you convey a confident impression and peace of mind. The more relaxed the situation, the more soothing this is for your horse and you prevent fireworks fear in horses.
  • Safety. Make sure the stable is secure so that your horse cannot injure itself if it should panic. When your horse is in the pasture it is important that the fencing is safe and in order and there are no objects in the pasture that could hurt him.
  • No outside rides. Avoid the confrontation with fireworks by not going outside for a while. Try to give your horse its normal movement by, for example, riding or lunging in the arena. Stabling your horse can also make it restless.
  • Extra support. In addition to the tips mentioned above, you can also support your horse with a soothing supplement such as Chamomile or Magnesium Citrate. If your horse is very easily stimulated, nervous or sensitive, Magnesium Relax Combi can offer a solution. This mix of minerals and herbs has a calming effect on your horse and provides extra support in tense or stressful situations and has a long-lasting effect.

4 tips for your dog against fear of fireworks

  • Stay calm. Try to stay as calm as possible and ignore the bangs. By pretending nothing is wrong, you convey a confident impression and peace of mind. The more relaxed the situation, the more soothing this is for your dog and you prevent fireworks fear.
  • Close the doors, windows and shutters. By keeping doors, windows and shutters closed you can somewhat protect your dog against the noise from outside. Many dogs become a lot calmer because of this. The flash from some types of fireworks can also be a problem and a stressor for some dogs, so if you don’t have shutters it is still useful to hang something in front of the openings.
  • Leash the dog. Not going outside is of course not an option, your dog will have to do his business anyway. To make the walking tours as stress-free as possible, it is best to walk along quiet places or in the forest during the day. Always keep your dog on a lead, even if you are in a quiet place you can be surprised. You should not underestimate the risk that your dog will run away in fright and you will not find him again.
  • Extra support. In addition to the tips mentioned above, you can also support your dog with a soothing supplement such as Kalm & Relax. This powder mix of minerals and herbs has a soothing effect on your dog without drowsiness. It provides extra support in tense or stressful situations and has a long-lasting effect. The product works immediately and helps your dog with the first pops. After 3 to 4 weeks it has an optimal effect and therefore it is good to start giving this product on time.

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