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Feeding horses during winter

Posted in : on 15-11-2021

In winter, the quality of the grass is lower and it also becomes wetter. There is a chance of winter weather such as snow, rain or strong winds. These are all factors that make horses have a greater need for good and nutritious food in the winter. The horse needs this food, among other things, to maintain its weight and to keep itself warm. Weight loss is common in the winter, because horses need extra energy to stay warm with temperatures below 7 degrees Celsius. Making the winter coat is of course an energetic process. For that reason, check your physical condition once every two weeks. Run your fingertips over your horse’s ribs. You should be able to feel the ribs lightly. We give you some extra tips about feeding horses in the winter!

Provide roughage in winter

Your horse’s winter coat often makes it more difficult to see if your horse has lost weight. If you come to the conclusion during your check that your horse has lost weight, you can intervene in time. It is then extra important to ensure sufficient roughage of good quality. In addition, try to adjust the feed in such a way that they have enough roughage even after intensive training. In addition, the feed ensures that your horse can keep warm during cold periods. This is called metabolic heat. You can also supplement HorseFlex L-Lysine to improve the immune system and maintain healthy muscles.

Try to keep water sources free of ice

Horses do not have the opportunity to eat fresh grass in the stable. Fresh grass consists of no less than 80 percent water. This deficiency must therefore be supplemented with fresh drinking water. In addition, make sure that your horse’s water sources remain free of ice. That way you are assured that your horse can drink enough. A nice tip for this is a bath duck in the drinking trough, because the movement of the duck does not freeze the water!

Reduce the risk of colic

Another common winter problem for horses is colic. Colic occurs because in the winter horses graze less, exercise less and often drink ice cold water. Horses also get sand more often in the winter, because of boredom or grazing on bare meadows. You can reduce the chance of colic by giving your horse extra exercise and by giving HorseFlex Flea seed. The flaxseed is a supplement that supports digestion and the intestines and can therefore reduce the risk of colic.


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