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A Paddock Paradise

Posted in : on 13-06-2022

My Paddock Paradise

With a Paddock Paradise you try to create the natural living conditions of a horse. It It ensures that a horse moves more so that the hoof mechanism works better, which is important for good blood circulation and the removal of waste. I started with building tracks and making multiple small hay-stacks to stimulate the horses to move more. I started with 1 paddock and 2 hay-stacks to a 500 meter track with nine hay-stacks. My paddock paradise has also small herb hills to give my horses an extra addition for a varied diet and movement!



My Horses get unlimited roughage as a basis, because most hay is very one-sided and therefore, most horses miss variety in their diet. Did you know that horses eat in nature up to 80 different plants? This variety consists out of fruits, herbs, leaves, tree bark and is full of vitamins and minerals that are good for a healthy digestion. My horses eat all year different herbs dried and fresh for a varied diet. This isn’t only healthy but also super delicious.



In the summer I love to pick herbs in and around the Paddock Paradise. A few popular herbs that I pick are Stinging nettle, cleavers, dandelion, whistling herb, marigold, chamomile, coneflower, alfalfa and esparcette. All of them are great for your own health as well. I give them in different ways: in a hay-net, I mix it with their food or hide it in the track. During the winter I love to give dried herbs as there grow less plants. Dried herbs can vary: from a dried herb mix, dried leaves or specific herbs that support your horse with a lower resistance. If you want to pick herbs yourself, keep in mind that some herbs have a doppelganger, which is not healthy or can even be toxic to your horse. Tip: Take a picture of the herb, consult a plant app for the name, and search the Internet to see if this plant is poisonous. Or consult an expert. When in doubt, never give!

Horse Poké Bowl 

Feeding my horses became a hobby of mine. I ‘cook’ meals for them that look like a luxurious ‘Horse Poké Bowl’ with beautiful and colorfull flowers. Do you want to make a poké bowl for your horse? Use Chunks or our Veggie Treat Mix as a basis and decorate this with fresh and dried herbs. I made this Poke Bowl Luzerne with Lucerne, Sunflower, Red Coneflower, Cornflower, Carrot, Fennel, Marigold and Rosehips for this Poke Bowl.



Are you inspired to build your own Paddock Paradise? Pauline organizes inspiration sessions frequently on her own Paddock Paradise at Sea. She loves to show you everything and give you tips and tricks to build your own! You’ll find more information on her Instagrampage: @paddockparadiseaanzee.

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