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Increase the resistance of your horse to prevent a winter dip

Posted in : on 24-01-2023

The resistance of your horse gets to endure a lot. Especially during the corlder months like winter and autumn. Wind, rain, and frost are factors that have a big impact on the resistance of your horse. Is your horse often in the stables? Stables often contain more irritating substances such as ammonia, dust, and your horse doesn’t have the ability to move freely. This also effects the resistance. Luckily you can support your horse in these months. Read quickly how to boost your horse’s resistance!

The resistance of your horse

With resistance is literally meant how your horse is able to resist itself. With the resistance of your horse, we mean how your horse is able to resist itself against pathogenic invaders. The resistance collates with the immune system. To what extend is your horse able to protect itself from viruses and bacteria is also dependent on how well the immune system works.  

The immune system is at its best when a horse lives in a natural environment. There are also other factors that could have a negative impact on the resistance. Think about stress, age, food, and also the changing seasons and its weather.

Recognizing a lower resistance in horses

Is your horse sick rather quickly and also struggles with various physical ailments? Then there is a chance that your horse struggles with lower resistance and gets sick faster. It is better to boost your horse’s immune system before your horse gets to struggle with physical ailments.

Een lage weerstand is niet altijd makkelijk met het blote oog te herkennen. Toch kennen de meeste paardeneigenaren hun dieren goed, en is een lage weerstand aan een aantal dingen op te merken. Houd bijvoorbeeld altijd het gedrag goed in de gaten. Een paard dat minder energiek is kan een verlaagde weerstand aanduiden. Ook aan het uiterlijk is een en ander af te lezen. Kijk bijvoorbeeld goed naar de gezichtsuitdrukking van je paard. Een paard dat niet goed in zijn vel zit, zal een doffe uitdrukking hebben en niet ‘vrolijk’ uit zijn ogen kijken. Daarnaast is ook de rest van het paardenlichaam een belangrijke indicator. Een doffe vacht, vieze ogen, neusuitvloeiing en uitslag zijn allemaal signalen waaraan je kan herkennen dat de weerstand van een paard niet optimaal is*.

Lower resistance is rather hard to recognize with the unaided eye. Most horse owners know their horse, and there are various symptoms that could help you to recognize a lower resistance. This is why you have to look at the behavior of your horse. A horse is less energetic for example. You can also recognize it from its body. You can look at the facial expression of your horse. A horse that is a bit sick, will look less ‘cheerful’ than usual. In addition, the rest of the horse’s body is also important as an indicator. A dull coat, dirty eyes, nasal discharge and a rash could be signals that a horse’s resistance isn’t optimal*

*Always consult a vet to find if there are underlying causes.


How do I increase the resistance of my horse?

Suffers your horse from a lower resistance? Then is it time to take action and give the resistance a boost!

The immune system works at its best when horses live in a natural environment. When we are keeping horses, then it is our task to ensure that they can live as natural as possible.

  • Food. Your horse’s ration influences the resistance a lot. Horses have small stomachs and eat during the day small amounts. Think about the grazing horses that you always see in the meadows. This is why it is important to give your horse enough roughage and an unlimited amount of clean water. If necessary give your horse supplements that support digestion.
  • Movement. Give your horse enough exercise. This way you can keep the condition optimal, which is perfect for the resistance. Think about suitable training but also enough movement in the open air.  
  • Stress. Stress is one of the main factors that influence resistance. When your horse suffers from stress, then it suppresses the immune system temporarily. Try to prevent stress at all times. Make sure for enough social contacts and change the training when your horse gets stressed from it. Is your horse stressed rather quickly? Then you might have to use supplements that decrease stress.
  • Weather. There are some fixed factors, but also variable circumstances that could influence your horse’s resistance. Try to be alert on changing temperatures and make adjustments when necessary. Make sure that your horse has enough shelter in the meadows and try to give your horse enough fresh air in the stables.

Supplements to increase your horse’s resistance

You can also support your horse’s resistance from within, apart from a good living environment. You can do this with supplements that increase resistance. Think about the resistance complex mix to give your horse’s resistance a boost. But there are also herbs that have a positive impact on your horse’s immune system.

 Linseed oil: An oil that is naturally rich in vitamins A, D, E, K and it also contains unsaturated fats Linoleic-, and Linoleum acids. It supports digestion, which has a positive impact on resistance.

Fenugreek: Contains vitamins A, B, and C, calcic, and phosphorus. Fenugreek works soothing on the airways and is thus good for overall resistance.

Rose bottle: Naturally rich in many nutrients such as Vitamin C and Biotin. Tasty and healthy as a snack to maintain good resistance and helps to support the removal of bodily waste.

Nettle:  Most horses won’t eat fresh nettle, but when it is dried then it is a healthy addition to the daily diet. Nettle contains iron, calcic, silicon, magnesium, Vitamins A and C, Potassium, Manganese, and Calcium. Supports the overall resistance and blood circulation.

L-Lysine: A essential amino acid with antiviral properties. Horses can’t produce L-Lysine and must therefore eat it. Very good for the immune system and increases resistance.

Spirulina: A saltwater Algae that is naturally rich in proteins, essential amino acids, Omega 3 fatty acids, and Vitamins B12. Spirulina also helps to support the resistance and function of the liver.

Black currant leaves: The leaf of the black currant plant is full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. It supports the immune system and blood circulation.  

Garlic:  Rich in Vitamins, A, B1, B2, and C and also contains etheric oils, complex carbs, enzymes, and organic sulfur compounds. Garlic is good for healthy blood pressure, and also works expectorant.


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